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How Arpi’s Can Help You Save Money With Low-Flow Toilets

Recently, the city of Calgary approved a measure that requires all new toilet installations to comply with water-saving requirements for low-flow toilets, set at a maximum flushing capability of six litres. While most consumers agree that saving water and energy is good in principle, if the performance of a toilet doesn’t measure up they’re more likely to balk.

While the first low-flow toilets on the market didn’t perform well, technology is catching up to demand. Ultimately, performance is the deciding factor that makes low-flow toilets green and user-friendly.

When you’re looking at toilet options, keep in mind these performance factors:

  • The key to good performance is a toilet’s ability to get rid of waste, plain and simple. You’ll want to look for standards that include Maximum Performance (MaP) testing, which is backed up by Canadian utility companies and plumbing manufacturers. This method employs the use of soybean paste to simulate performance, which is a much-improved, more realistic form of testing than the previous methods that used cereal to re-enact flushing.
  • There are two types of low-flow toilets: single-flush and dual-flush. American Standard carries a dual-flush model, which gives the user the option to use three litres or six litres for flushing, depending upon the waste matter.
  • Basically, the technology behind low-flow designs follows two methods. The siphonic method sucks waste down the plumbing drain. The wash-down method uses an action that pushes waste down. A lot of dual-flush models use the wash-down method, as their design originates in Europe, the leader in high-efficiency plumbing and toilets. Wash-down toilets use a larger trap design to cut down on clogging, but the surface area of the bowl is smaller, causing waste to linger in the bowl. Siphonic toilets have a larger surface area to reduce evidence of waste; however, the size of their trapway is smaller, resulting in more clogs.

Consider testing methods, single- or dual-flush options and design methodology when selecting a low-flow toilet. Arpi’s is here to help. Our plumbing renovation experts can help you choose and install a toilet that will serve you well for years to come.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. To get started, contact us or see our special offers. For emergency plumbing services visit our plumbing page to contact us for help.