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Your A/C’s Higher SEER Won’t Do You Much Good if It’s Not Reaching It

Your A/C's Higher SEER Won't Do You Much Good if It's Not Reaching ItChoosing an air conditioner with a high energy efficiency rating is the first step in lowering your electric bill during hot weather, but an A/C’s higher SEER depends on more factors than just the equipment. Factors concerning its installation make a difference in the performance of the equipment, including:

  • The right size for your home . HVAC professionals use software tools that calculate how large the air conditioner needs to be based on a variety of factors that contribute to the cooling load, including energy efficiency, your family size, preferred indoor temperatures and your home’s design. Sizing it properly will keep you from getting a system that’s too small or large.

Equipment that’s too large will increase your electric consumption, lower indoor comfort and contribute to premature wear and tear on the equipment. It’s better to put in a slightly smaller system than one that’s too big.

  • The location of the outdoor condenser. Putting the outdoor condenser in a location where it receives little sunshine helps the hot refrigerant from your home cool faster. Keeping the condenser away from vegetation that creates a lot of debris also helps it run more efficiently, since anything that blocks the condenser slows the airflow through the refrigerant coils and retards the cooling process.
  • The ductwork configuration and design. Although it doesn’t directly affect your A/C’s higher SEER, ductwork that is properly designed and sealed can make a big difference, since the conditioned air flows through the ducts to reach your rooms.
  • Airflow . Without adequate airflow, your home will not reach comfortable temperatures. The blower motor needs to be adjusted so that each room in your home receives adequate airflow for maximum comfort.
  • The refrigerant charge . The installation team has to put the refrigerant into your air conditioner once all the parts have been installed. It’s crucial that the system has the exact amount that the manufacturer specifies so that you get the most from your system.

If you’d like more information about assuring you benefit from your A/C’s higher SEER, contact Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. We’ve provided HVAC services for the Calgary area since 1963.

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