
Tips for Reducing Humidity in Your Calgary Home

Tips for Reducing Humidity in Your Calgary HomeDespite Calgary’s relatively dry climate, your indoor humidity can still rise to an unhealthy level due to a variety of factors. Reducing humidity in your home improves your indoor air quality and comfort level while also protecting your home from damage. There are a number of ways to get relief from high humidity. 

Control Moisture and Improve Your Airflow

Start by minimizing sources of moisture inside your house. Repair leaks from pipes or the roof, make sure appliances vent outdoors, keep most of your potted plants in one room and avoid hanging clothes up to dry except in warm areas with good airflow.

To dispel the remaining excess humidity, you’ll need to improve your home’s airflow. While you’re cooking or showering, turn on the kitchen or bathroom exhaust fan and leave the fan on for a few minutes afterward. This prevents a buildup of moisture and odors.

If these fans don’t seem to help much, your home may be a good candidate for a balanced whole-house ventilation system. These systems use multiple fans connected by ductwork to draw stale air from your kitchen and bathroom and supply fresh air to your living room and bedrooms.

Improving your home’s attic ventilation can also help with reducing humidity in your rooms. Your attic should be fitted with a ventilation system that allows air to flow both in and out, such as a ridge and soffit system.

Manage Major Moisture Problems With a Dehumidifier

In some homes, not even good ventilation is enough to bring the humidity down to a healthy level, but installing a whole-house dehumidifier can help. This equipment sits inside your heating and cooling system and draws moisture out of the passing air.

They work something like an air conditioner, but without cooling the air. Air flows over a cold metal coil and the moisture in the air condenses, turning into water. This water is directed into your home’s plumbing system and the comfortably dry air flows out into your ducts.

For more pro tips on reducing humidity in your home, contact us at Arpi’s Industries wherever you are in Calgary.

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Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Stuart Miles/Shutterstock”