
Your Guide for Purchasing a Ventilation System Fit for Your Home

Your Guide for Purchasing a Ventilation System Fit for Your HomeWhen you are ready to improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) of your Calgary home, purchasing a ventilation system appropriate for your household is an excellent step in that direction.

Four main types of ventilation systems are commonly used. The most ideal system for each particular situation depends on a combination of climate conditions, your available budget, pollution levels both indoor and out, size of your home, etc.

  • Exhaust ventilation systems use a fan to force indoor air out of your home through a dedicated vent, creating negative pressure which draws outdoor air inside through leaks in the building and/or additional passive vents. Although these systems are most appropriate in cold climates and can be installed inexpensively, they do pose the risk of drawing outdoor pollutants (such as fumes from an attached garage) indoors and do not allow filtration of outdoor air entering the household.
  • Supply ventilation systems draw fresh outdoor air indoors through a dedicated vent, allowing filtration of many pollutants before the outdoor air mixes with indoor air. Stale air is forced outdoors through leaks in the building and/or intentionally added vents. Although also inexpensive to install, these systems are more appropriate in hotter climates.
  • Balanced ventilation systems use two fans with additional ductwork to both draw in fresh outdoor air and force stale indoor air outside through dedicated vents. Outdoor air can be filtered before entering your home with these systems, which are appropriate for use in all climates.
  • Energy recovery ventilation systems can help reduce utility costs by mixing fresh, filtered outdoor air with indoor air before entry into the main area of your home.

Regardless of which type you do select, ensuring that your system includes quiet components, readily accessible controls, and provides good distribution of fresh outdoor air are all key factors for effective use of your ventilation system.

Homeowners in the Calgary area seeking advice when purchasing a ventilation system can contact the professionals at Arpi’s, where we have been helping folks meet their home comfort needs for more than 50 years!

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about ventilation and other HVAC topics, downloadour free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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