
Xeriscaping is a Low-Maintenance Way to Landscape Around Your A/C

Xeriscaping is a Low-Maintenance Way to Landscape Around Your A/CThe landscaping around your A/C’s outdoor condenser makes a difference in how efficiently it runs and one of the best styles to use is xeriscaping. Greek for “dry,” a xeriscape combines low-water use plants with masonry or native rock materials to create an enticing landscape with little maintenance and water use.

It’s an ideal type of treatment around the condenser because it minimizes the plant debris around the condenser, which keeps it cleaner. A clean condenser promotes energy efficiency because the coil inside the condenser operates best when it’s unobstructed and free from dirt and plant debris. The coil cools the hot refrigerant from your home, and when it loses heat faster, it won’t run as long, prolonging the life of your equipment.

Condenser Problems Xeriscaping Helps Avoid

If you have lawn around the condenser, there’s a risk of grass clippings collecting on the condenser coil, which will insulate it and slow the cooling process. Heavy vegetation around the condenser will reduce the amount of air flowing over the coil, also slowing the cooling. The lack of ground cover around the unit can be harmful because pounding rains can splash muddy water against the coil, where it can coat the coil.

How to Xeriscape Around the Condenser

When selecting the materials for the xeriscaping, look for hardscape materials that will be suitable for your home and overall landscape style. Bricks or concrete pavers work well and if properly placed, withstand the freeze and thaw cycles. You can successfully use crushed rock as the ground cover, although you’ll need a leaf blower or broom rake to remove plant debris.

Select trees and shrubs to put around the condenser that minimize leaf drop and won’t encroach into a two to three foot boundary around the condenser to promote adequate airflow. Trees provide cooling shade, but when choosing, verify that their leaves are large enough so they don’t collect inside the condenser.

Once designed and installed, xeriscaping minimizes yard work around the condenser and promotes its efficiency. To learn more, contact Arpi’s Industries, providing top-notch HVAC services for Calgary area homeowners.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about xeriscaping and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Scott E. Feuer/Shutterstock”

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condenser landscaping