
Home Remodeling Can Be Fun — Protect Your HVAC Before, During and After

Home Remodeling Can Be Fun -- Protect Your HVAC Before, During and AfterThe process of home remodeling is an exciting process that the whole family can be part of. It is however important to ensure that the HVAC system is protected during the remodeling process. The HVAC system consists of a combination of parts that all work together toward keeping your home comfortable. Repairs can be costly and inconvenient. One of the biggest potential causes of damage to your HVAC system during home remodeling is dust. Dust and dirt buildup may cause your HVAC system to malfunction or prevent it from operating efficiently.

Protecting Your HVAC System

  • Discuss your remodeling plans with your HVAC contractor before you start with the project to ensure that everything is taken into account.
  • Refrain from using the furnace or A/C during remodeling jobs that create a lot of dust.
  • Try and complete any preparation work, such as sanding and cutting, outside your home.
  • Close off and cover the registers in the area where the remodeling work is being done.
  • Ask the contractor to close off the area where the remodeling work is being done from the rest of the house, and to maintain a negative pressure in the area during stages when a lot of dust is created.
  • Clean the air filters on your HVAC system regularly during the remodeling process.
  • Clean or replace the air filters after the remodeling work has been completed, and consider having the blower, indoor coil and ductwork inspected by an HVAC contractor to ensure that there is no damage.

If you take precautions during home remodeling projects, your HVAC system can be protected. Make sure that the area where the remodeling is being conducted is properly cleaned on a daily basis to prevent the build-up of dust, and the possibility of dust being tracked around the house.

For more expert advice and assistance with home remodeling and other issues related to home comfort, please contact us at Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. We have been serving satisfied homeowners in Calgary for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC and other HVAC topics, downloadour free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “scyther5/Shutterstock”