
Learn How Energy-Savings Myths Cost You Money

energy savings myths calgary albertaEnergy-savings myths are shared far too often as truths. The result is that many people have misconceptions about accurate ways to save energy and lower energy bills at home. Check out the following energy-savings myths and learn the falsehoods behind them.

  • Myth: Buying more efficient heating and cooling equipment is all that’s required for the lowest energy bills possible.
  • Fact: While an energy-efficient HVAC system helps, there are plenty of other improvements you can make around the home to lower your energy bills even further.
  • Myth: Duct tape can be used to seal ductwork.
  • Fact: This is one of those confusing energy-savings myths. While logic would suggest that duct tape can be used for duct sealing, it isn’t rated for this task. The rubber adhesive simply can’t withstand the constant heat of warm air passing through the ducts all winter long.
  • Myth: When an electronic device is switched off, it’s no longer consuming power.
  • Fact: Dozens of common household electronics leach energy from the wall even when they’re “off.” DVD players, DVRs, stereos and TVs use standby power for clock displays, recording timers and remote control sensors. Other devices such as modems, routers, computers, monitors, printers, game consoles, speakers and battery chargers consume standby power for no practical purpose. To save energy, unplug these devices when not in use.
  • Myth: Leaving the light on uses less energy and helps the bulb last longer than turning it on and off repeatedly.
  • Fact: It was once true that bulbs burned out faster when turned on and off more frequently, but better design has all but eliminated that concern. As for the tiny surge of power that occurs when you turn on a light, it’s much less than the power consumed from being on for just a few minutes. As a good rule of thumb, turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn them back on only when you need them.

Knowing the truth about these energy-savings myths can help you achieve some real energy savings. For more home energy tips, please contact Arpi’s Industries in Calgary today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about energy-saving myths and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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