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Installing New HVAC Equipment In Calgary? How To Get A Quality Installation

Installing New HVAC Equipment In Calgary? How To Get A Quality InstallationIf you’re installing new HVAC equipment in Calgary, ensuring that your installation is top-notch will help you avoid several barriers to efficiency and home comfort. As a homeowner, it can be helpful to learn about installation practices in order to make an educated decision about the contractor you select to perform the work.

Energy Star, an organization created by the U.S. Government that also serves homeowners in Canada, encourages homeowners to improve home energy efficiency and energy savings. In fact, they recommend using the following checklist as a guide to ensuring quality installation.

Your contractor should:

  • Make sure that there’s enough room around the air conditioner or furnace (both inside and outside units) so that it can be easily serviced and maintained.
  • Install a programmable thermostat and show you how to set up various programs.
  • Walk you through the process of changing your HVAC equipment’s air filter.
  • Ensure the system has proper airflow once it’s installed.
  • Make burner testing and venting assessment a priority for a furnace or boiler installation, along with inspecting the entire system for leaks.
  • Check the compatibility of the newly installed system so that the outdoor unit matches the indoor unit’s coils, as using an older unit with a new coil will greatly reduce efficiency, while upgrading both units simultaneously will ensure maximum return on your investment.
  • Test the refrigerant charge to ensure efficiency.
  • Test the airflow over the coil housed in the indoor unit.
  • Carefully select the location for the condenser unit housed outside, as the elements and landscaping can damage the system and/or affect its efficiency.

For homeowners who are installing new HVAC equipment in Calgary, take advantage of Arpi’s Industries years of expertise and high-quality workmanship. Contact us today to find out more information about our quality installation processes. We’ve served Calgary-area homeowners for almost 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about installing new HVAC equipment and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!