
HVAC Maintenance Considerations for Back-to-School

Schedule an Annual Checkup

An HVAC technician should be called to your home for an annual checkup of your equipment at least once per year. This will keep the system running smoothly and prolong its operational lifespan. If you haven’t done so this year, now’s the time to get it done.

Replace the Air Filter

Depending on how much you’ve been running your equipment and what it’s captured over the summer, your air filter is probably in need of replacement. In fact, you should be checking your filter every month or so just to be sure.

Install a Smart Thermostat

If you want to get your heating and cooling costs under control, a smart thermostat can help you out. If you’re not already using one of these units in your home, we suggest using the back-to-school time to check them out and decide on which is best for your household.

Check for Air Leaks and Seal Them

Every home has air leaks that develop in various places, which will cause your HVAC system to work harder than it should. A blower door test will help pinpoint the problem areas, but sealing cracks and gaps around your doors and windows is a great place to start. And don’t forget to check your ductwork!

Clean Up the Outdoor Unit

Summer brings with it a lot of dust and debris, some of which will end up clogging up your system’s outdoor unit. Now that a new season is upon us, it’s time to clean up the area to ensure that your system is working efficiently.

For more expert advice on back-to-school HVAC maintenance or other home comfort concerns, contact the professionals at Arpi’s Industries. We’ve been serving the needs of Calgary and the surrounding area for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide. 

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