
Get the Answers to Your FAQs About HVAC Systems

Get the Answers to Your FAQs About HVAC SystemsIt’s not hard for a typical homeowner to get intimidated about his or her home’s heating and cooling system. This is complex machinery, and learning how to use it efficiently and effectively requires more know-how than just adjusting the thermostat. That being the case, following are some answers to basic questions about a typical residential HVAC system.

How do you get the most out of a furnace or A/C?

Getting “the most” out of your HVAC system typically refers to efficiency, the ability to convert electricity or fuel into heating or cooling at the least cost. Inspecting the air filter on a forced-air HVAC system regularly is an easy and inexpensive way to improve energy efficiency. Scheduling regular preventive maintenance by a trusted professional is another way. Reducing the heating/cooling load of your home with effective air sealing and insulation is a third way.

How often should the air filter be replaced?

It depends on how much air is being pushed through the filter and how dirty your indoor air is. During the off-season, you probably won’t have to change it very much. During high-use seasons, check it every three or four weeks, and change it when it looks dirty. Write down the date you changed the filter on its cardboard frame, so you won’t forget how long it’s been in operation.

How often should your HVAC system be professionally maintained?

Annual maintenance is recommended for each “side” of your HVAC system – the heating system in the fall and cooling system in the spring. Expert maintenance will ensure better efficiency and performance, and safer operation. The technician will find small problems before they develop into serious problems.

How big should my heating or cooling system be?

It should be sized to satisfy the unique requirements of your home, and that doesn’t just mean its square footage. Proper HVAC sizing takes into account other factors, including the home’s layout, window plan, airtightness, orientation on the lot, etc.

For more help with questions about Calgary home’s heating and cooling, please contact us at Arpi’s Industries.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide.

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