
Garage Heaters: Prepare Now for Cooler Weather in the Coming Months

Garage Heaters: Prepare Now for Cooler Weather in the Coming MonthsGarage heaters extend the use of your garage throughout the winter season, keeping you comfortable while your work on projects during the colder months. Selecting the best heater depends on how you use the garage, its physical characteristics and fuel availability. Let’s take a look at some of these factors.

Size and Space

The size of your garage and its insulation and air filtration levels will help determine the size of heater you need. Larger garages, or those that lack energy efficiency, will require more extensive heating. Investing in attic, garage door and wall insulation, along with sealing air leaks, will cut the heating load considerably. A lower heating load will reduce the size of the garage heater you’ll need.


How you plan to use your garage should also be considered as you shop for a heater. If you plan to use it for woodworking and finishing projects, you may want to consider a radiant heating system rather than forced-air equipment. Sawdust blows easily and paint fumes can be a safety hazard when used with a combustion heating system, unless it draws its combustion air from the outdoors.

Infrared radiant heaters or electric baseboard heating won’t cause air movement, but require a longer period to warm the space to comfortable temperatures.

Fuel Availability

Gas and propane are the most common fuels used for garage heaters; presently natural gas is the least expensive. However, if you don’t have gas on your property, you can use small propane tanks or have a larger one installed.


The safest combustion heaters are those that vent combustion gases outdoors and have been professionally installed by a licensed HVAC professional. Ventless combustion heaters are available, but your safety depends on an oxygen-sensor that turns the unit off when the oxygen level in the room falls below a certain point. If you opt for a ventless heater, install a carbon monoxide detector and check its batteries monthly.

To learn more about garage heaters, contact Arpi’s Industries. We’ve been providing HVAC services to Calgary homeowners for more than 50 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “littleny/Shutterstock”

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