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Enjoy Your Vacation With Energy Savings in Your Pocket

Enjoy Your Vacation With Energy Savings in Your PocketThe sun is higher in the sky. It’s summer in Canada. {C}

Families will travel. Memories will be made. And if you’re like a lot of people, you’ll still have a full energy bill to address when you return–but you don’t have to.

Before you pack up and head down the road for summer holiday, take a few minutes to make sure you’re not wasting money by paying for electricity you’re not using. Here’s a list of three tips that will add up to energy savings while you’re away:

Unplug your electronics and appliances

TVs, clocks, dishwashers and even the freezer out in the garage all consume copious amounts of energy. Before you hit the road, unplug as many of them as you can. Also make sure you turn off all your fans before you leave.

Tell your water heater you’re going on vacation

Water heaters burn through a lot of energy to give you hot water for dishes, showers and laundry. Since you’re going to be out of the house, you won’t be needing any hot water. Today’s high-tech, tankless water heaters come complete with a device that allows you to tell it that you’re on vacation. As a result, it won’t work as hard to keep hot water handy.

Set your thermostat to 25

You probably rely heavily on your air conditioner during the sunny summer months. But when you’re not home, there’s no reason for it to be working overtime. Before you leave, set it to 25-degrees Celsius. There’s no reason to cool your home if you’re not there. And if you have an efficient air conditioning system, it shouldn’t take that long to cool the house back down once you return.

Once you’re back from your summer holiday, don’t forget to to implement other tricks that lead to easy energy savings. For more advice from the experts about making your home more energy efficient, contact Arpi’s Industries.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Albertabout energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about energy savings and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Seamartini Graphics/Shutterstock”

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