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Does Your Home Have Hard Water? Find Out

Does Your Home Have Hard Water? Find OutHard water has high mineral content that includes dissolved calcium and magnesium. These absorbed minerals can do some damage to your home. You can mistake their effects for a poor performing appliance or ineffective cleaners and detergents. Here are the signs you should check for to know if your home has hard water.

Signs of Hard Water

There are a few signs to help you determine if you have hard water in your home. If hard water in your home is disrupting the comforts of your life you can consider installing a water softener.

Spots on Glassware

The easiest way of identifying water hardness is by inspecting your glassware after washing them. If they look spotty or foggy, most probably your water supply is hard.


Limescale is a white, chalky deposit that coats kitchen appliances such as your kettle, sink, faucets and other plumbing fixtures. It also covers the heating elements of your washing machine, boiler and dishwasher. If you spot limescale in your home, that’s a sign of hardness minerals present in your water.

Rough Clothes

Water hardness also affects clothes and fabric. The dissolved minerals make clothes feel rough. Additionally, they make it harder for soap to lather. As a result, you’ll find it more difficult to keep your clothes clean.

Dry Skin and Hair

Hard water reduces the effectiveness of soap and shampoos. Soap residue and hardness minerals can also clog up your pores and remain in your hair after you’ve taken a shower. As a result, your hair and skin may feel dry and rough.

Frequent Plumbing Problems

Are plumbing issues such as clogs and low water pressure common in your home? Water hardness may be to blame. A buildup of hardness minerals in your pipes makes plumbing problems more frequent and severe and may require the expertise of a plumber.

How to Fix Hard Water in Calgary

You can solve water hardness problems by installing a water softener and enjoy the benefits it brings to your water. It eliminates the calcium and magnesium minerals that make your water hard through a process known as ion exchange.

If you’d like to know the exact hardness levels of your home’s water supply, have your water tested by a water softener dealer in Calgary. For additional information on hard water, please contact us at Arpi’s Industries. We’ve proudly served the Calgary area for more than 50 years.

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