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Choosing Your HVAC Contractor: Beware of These Bad Signs

Choosing Your HVAC Contractor: Beware of These Bad SignsWhen you’re shopping for an HVAC contractor, you don’t want to base your decision on price alone. Look for a well-established company that employs qualified, well-trained technicians and sells quality systems. Be on the alert for signs that may indicate that the contractor is cutting corners.

Here are some red flags to watch for to ensure you aren’t getting misled or ripped off:

  • Don’t trust an HVAC contractor who wants to give you a quote for a new system over the phone. There are several reasons the contractor needs to visit your home before he can give you an accurate quote. Replacing your system with a same-sized system may not not meet your needs. Structural and lifestyle changes since the current system was installed, such as new windows or insulation, increased or decreased family size, and more heat load due to additional appliances or electronic equipment all factor into determining the size of your new unit. In addition, the contractor needs to make sure you have room for the model being recommended, and he needs to inspect your ductwork to see if it needs repair or modification.
  • Contractors who determine the size of your new unit based only on the number of square feet in your home are trying to take the lazy way out. A reputable contractor will perform a Manual J Engineering Load Calculation, which uses industry-approved software to determine what heating or cooling load your equipment will need to be able to accommodate for your home. Without the proper calculation, he can’t assure you that you are getting the right size unit.
  • Beware of exceptionally low prices. Trained and licensed HVAC technicians are paid a good wage, and the prices of quality equipment are similar throughout the industry. If one contractor is advertising a low-ball fee for service or equipment, you should be suspicious.

If you’re looking for an HVAC contractor in the Calgary area, contact Arpi’s Industries, Ltd. We’ve served the Calgary area for more than 50 years, and built a reputation for quality service.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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