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Back-to-School Tips for Your Home’s HVAC System

When it’s time to pack your kids off to school, it’s also time to recognize that the seasons are changing. As fall approaches, make an effort to ensure that your home HVAC system is prepared to keep you warm through the colder months. Here are some tips to keep you cozy:

  • Change the air filter. You should be changing your HVAC air filter every month or two, anyway: as it filters dust and other particulates out of your indoor air, it slowly clogs up, and slows airflow. Don’t think you can just get rid of the filter entirely, though: by catching dust and debris before it makes its way into your central appliances, it keeps them working correctly, and can reduce the risk of fires.
  • Seal air leaks around your home. Cold drafts are uncomfortable, and they also mean that you’re losing heating dollars as warm air escapes and cold air has to be heated up to a comfortable temperature. Test your home for air leaks, and repair them as you find them. Pay special attention to doors and windows, which can be improved with weatherstripping and caulk.
  • Seal and insulate your ductwork. When air escapes from your ducts before it makes its way to your living areas, that air is lost heating. And when hot air carried through the ducts loses heat to unconditioned or uninsulated rooms or crawl spaces, your furnace has to work harder to replace it. Sealing and insulating your ducts reduces energy waste.
  • Schedule seasonal maintenance with your local HVAC experts – and if you don’t have a maintenance contract in effect, consider asking about one. Having your equipment inspected at the beginning of the heating and cooling seasons can ensure that it’s working as efficiently as possible all season long, and can detect and prevent major problems.

To learn more about taking care of the HVAC system in your Calgary home before the winter hits, call the pros at Arpi’s Industries.

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Credit/Copyright Attribution: “geralt/Pixabay”

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