
3 Simple Tips For Winterizing Your Calgary Home

3 Simple Tips For Winterizing Your Calgary HomeHeating season is approaching quickly in Calgary, and with it comes the need to winterize your home against the chill of winter. Here are three important areas to check when winterizing your Calgary home.

Seal air and energy leaks

  • Put weatherstripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts and air leaks.
  • Check for leaks, gaps or openings at areas where the frame contacts the foundation and the attic floor. Seal leaks with caulking or foam sealant.
  • Look for leaks around any spot where wires, pipes or conduits penetrate the wall of your home. Seal these holes to prevents leaks there.
  • Check the ductwork system for loose, damaged or missing sections. Reseal any loose sections to fit together tightly, and repair or replace any other problems. Seal all connections with a reliable and long-lasting sealant, such as mastic or metal tape.
  • If you have a fireplace, keep the damper closed when you are not using it.

Check insulation

  • Make sure there is plenty of insulation in your home, especially the walls, ceilings and attic.
  • Insulate uninsulated spaces such as crawl spaces, unfinished attics or basements, and exterior walls.
  • Insulate the ductwork of your heating system to prevent energy loss through the ductwork itself.
  • Use roll-type blanket insulation between beams and joists, or pellet or foam insulation in irregular or hard-to-reach places.

Maintain heating system

  • Contact your local trusted HVAC professional for a pre-season maintenance and tune-up inspection. Regular preventive maintenance is the best thing you can do to keep your heating system working properly.
  • Put fresh filters in your heating system. Check filters once a month and change them if they get dirty.
  • Check all supply and return vents to make sure they are clean and are not blocked by furniture, boxes or other items.
  • Install a programmable thermostat for better overall control of your heating system.
  • If your heating system is too old or unreliable, replace it before the season starts and HVAC contractors get busy.

HVAC customers in the Calgary area benefit from Arpi’s Industries Ltd.’s nearly 50 years of experience when they need expert heating, cooling and home comfort services. Contact us today more information on effectively winterizing your Calgary home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about winterizing your home and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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