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Getting That Dust Problem Under Control

Getting That Dust Problem Under ControlBattling a dust problem doesn’t have to be a never-ending chore when you know where it comes from and take steps to minimize and control it. Dust comes from people and pets, fabrics inside a home, and the outdoors.

Minimizing Dust with the HVAC System

  • Upgrade the HVAC air filter. Basic, inexpensive air filters for HVAC systems only trap the largest particles. A better replacement is a pleated filter that can trap smaller particles.

    Before choosing, check the owner’s manual to learn the maximum density you can use with your system, or ask your HVAC technician. A higher quality air filter also helps minimize airborne allergies from pollen and pet dander, two common components of dust.

  • Have your ductwork tested for leaks if you notice that areas around the registers appear to have a dust problem. Leaking ducts pull dust into your living areas, some of which may be hazardous, and drive up energy bills in proportion to their size.

Cleaning Tips

  • Find HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters for your vacuum. These filters trap the dust in the bag and won’t recirculate it.
  • Vacuum upholstered furniture periodically, along with heavy draperies.
  • Dust furniture with damp microfiber cloths to avoid scattering the dust.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean hard surface flooring instead of a broom. Sweeping kicks up tremendous amounts of dust and only redistributes it elsewhere.
  • Launder bed sheets in hot water weekly and use the dryer on its highest setting. Dust mites thrive in bedding and are a common allergy trigger.

Home Improvements

  • Replace the carpet. If you’re due for new floors, turn to hard surface materials instead of carpeting. Carpets shed fibers continually and collect airborne particulates in the pad and carpet backing, even with regular cleaning.
  • Seal air leaks around exterior doors and window frames.
  • Place door mat at all exterior doors and encourage people to wipe their feet before entering the home.

Solving a dust problem assures better air quality and a more comfortable home. To learn more, contact Arpi’s Industries, providing trusted HVAC services for Calgary-area homeowners.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about dust and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide.

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