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A Cooling Equipment Death Can Happen Anytime, Arpi’s Replacement Strategy Will Get You Up And Running

Homeowners have a lot to consider when replacing cooling equipment. You want to make a wise choice because this purchase is a big investment – and your comfort depends on it. Even if your cooling equipment suddenly died on you, the Arpi’s strategy for replacement covers all the bases to get a system back up and running quickly.

Use these replacement questions:

What fuel source are you using, and can you get better savings with another type of fuel? Are you still using oil as a fuel? (Gasp.) This is a perfect time to consider switching to a more efficient fuel, no matter what fuel your former system used. High-efficiency air conditioners effectively use energy with little waste. Air-source heat pumps extract heat from the air to heat and cool your home. Maybe you’ve had your eye on alternative energy, like geothermal. Radiant floor systems provide comfort, even heating with hot water. Check into energy-efficient options before you select your system.

Is your furnace also getting older? Heat pumps and geothermal systems operate as both heating and cooling equipment, making them a wise purchase when upgrading. If you install an A/C now but in a couple of years will need a new furnace as well, it might make more sense to upgrade both now and give yourself more efficient options from which to choose.

Will the size of your system work for your home? An HVAC contractor should size your system to meet your home’s heating and cooling needs. Measuring the square footage of your home to estimate the capacity of a system doesn’t take into account other variables that impact how much cooling your home requires, like how many windows you have or the existence of a large great room. A contractor should use the Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) standard on sizing (“Determining the Required Capacity of Residential Space Heating and Cooling Appliances”).

Take advantage of this opportunity and evaluate cooling systems for their efficiency, fuel source, other systems’ age and size. Arpi’s is here to help. Our experts can help you evaluate several system types that can work in your space. Phone us anytime.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. To get started, check out our website or see our special offers.