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Boost Air Conditioner Efficiency

Boost Air Conditioner EfficiencyThe efficiency of your air conditioner affects how well it cools and how much it costs to keep your home’s interior comfortable. Time and wear can combine to reduce the system’s efficiency and drive up your cooling bills. Try some or all of the following suggestions to increase air conditioner efficiency this year. If you do, you’ll see better system performance and lower energy costs.

  • Call for maintenance — Regular preventive maintenance is the best way to keep your air conditioner working effectively and efficiently. Your HVAC professional can check the system from end to end and make adjustments and minor repairs that boost performance. Regular maintenance also extends the equipment’s functional lifespan, ensuring you’ll get the most amount of service possible out of your cooling system.
  • Change the air filters — Along with regular maintenance, frequent filter changes help keep your A/C working at its best. Clean, fresh filters promote the airflow that the system needs to work properly. Monthly filter checks are recommended; filters should be changed whenever they get dirty.
  • Seal the ductwork — If leaks develop anywhere in the ductwork system, large amounts of cool air can be lost. This wastes both energy and money and causes your air conditioner to work harder to make up for the loss. Make sure all ductwork sections are connected tightly together and that connections are sealed with mastic or metal tape.
  • Use a ceiling fan — Turn on your ceiling fans and direct the breezes they create downward into the room. The drafts from the fan will cool you off, making the room’s temperature feel a few degrees lower. You’ll be able to run your A/C at a lower level and still be comfortable.
  • Install a programmable thermostat — Use a programmable thermostat to take greater control of when your cooling system runs. For example, lowering cooling during the day when you’re not at home will save energy.

Arpi’s Industries Ltd. provides top-quality HVAC and plumbing services to customers throughout the Calgary area. Contact us today for more information on air conditioner efficiency and how to keep your cooling system working at its best.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Calgary, Alberta about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about air conditioner efficiency and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Juergen Faelche/Shutterstock”