
3 Ways To Upgrade Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

Homeowners often focus on energy efficiency around their homes, and rightly so, as energy costs rise and budgets shrink. However, indoor air quality in most homes is often worse than the quality of our outdoor air, making it an issue that should be high on a homeowner’s to-do list.

But if you think there’s not much you can do about indoor air quality, you’re be wrong. Here are three cost-effective steps any homeowner can take to improve indoor air quality.

Remove the problem

Most homeowners are surprised to learn of the common pollutants that can exist in the home. The easiest, no-cost solution to problematic sources is to remove them from the home. Often, however, that’s easier said than done, because your carpeting, furnishings and home-construction materials can contain hazardous gasses. For example, construction materials used throughout your home can emit chemicals (a process that’s often referred to as “off-gassing”). While it’s not practical to rip your home apart, you can be wary of new items you bring into the home.

Consider other sources, too, like paints, cigarette smoking, pesticides and cleaning solutions.

Test for pollutants

An effective way to clean up your home’s air is to have it professionally tested. An expert will take a sample of the air and test it for various pollutants. In that way, you’ll get targeted information as to the pollutants the air contains, so you can proceed with steps that will remedy the problem.

Use detectors

A far-too-common home pollutant is carbon monoxide, a by-product generated from combustible fuel-powered equipment like a gas furnace. To protect your family from this deadly pollutant, install detectors to monitor the air and alert you of hazardous levels. Long- and short-term measurements are critical to ensuring your safety.

Need a strategy to improve your home’s indoor air quality? Call the experts at Arpi’s Industries. We’ve served Greater Calgary-area homeowners for almost 50 years, and we can walk you through the available options that will boost the quality of your home’s indoor air.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about indoor air quality and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Arpi’s services Calgary, Alberta. Visit our website to see our special offers to get started today!